Ivar objc_property_t Protocol解读




typedef struct ivar_t *Ivar;


// MARK: - 成员变量结构声明
struct ivar_t {
#if __x86_64__
    // *offset was originally 64-bit on some x86_64 platforms.
    // We read and write only 32 bits of it.
    // Some metadata provides all 64 bits. This is harmless for unsigned
    // little-endian values.
    // Some code uses all 64 bits. class_addIvar() over-allocates the
    // offset for their benefit.
    int32_t *offset;
    const char *name;//成员变量名称
    const char *type;//成员变量类型
    // alignment is sometimes -1; use alignment() instead
    uint32_t alignment_raw;
    uint32_t size;

    uint32_t alignment() const {
        if (alignment_raw == ~(uint32_t)0) return 1U << WORD_SHIFT;
        return 1 << alignment_raw;




// MARK: - 修改一个类的成员变量的值
 * Changes the value of an instance variable of a class instance.
 * @param obj A pointer to an instance of a class. Pass the object containing
 *  the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param name A C string. Pass the name of the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param value The new value for the instance variable.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Ivar data structure that defines the type and
 *  name of the instance variable specified by \e name.
 * @note Instance variables with known memory management (such as ARC strong and weak)
 *  use that memory management. Instance variables with unknown memory management
 *  are assigned as if they were unsafe_unretained.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
object_setInstanceVariable(id _Nullable obj, const char * _Nonnull name,
                           void * _Nullable value)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)


// 修改一个类的成员变量的值
Ivar object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value)
    return _object_setInstanceVariable(obj, name, value, false);

// 修改一个成员变量的值
Ivar _object_setInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void *value,
                                 bool assumeStrong)
    Ivar ivar = nil;

    if (obj  &&  name  &&  !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
        // 首先根据成员变量名称从ivar_list中获取ivar
        if ((ivar = _class_getVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {

            // 更新ivar的value
            _object_setIvar(obj, ivar, (id)value, assumeStrong);
    return ivar;


// MARK: - 根据成员变量名称获取成员变量
* _class_getVariable
* fixme
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
_class_getVariable(Class cls, const char *name)
    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);

    for ( ; cls; cls = cls->superclass) {
        ivar_t *ivar = getIvar(cls, name);
        if (ivar) {
            return ivar;

    return nil;

// MARK: - 根据成员变量名称获取成员变量
* getIvar
* Look up an ivar by name.
* Locking: runtimeLock must be read- or write-locked by the caller.
static ivar_t *getIvar(Class cls, const char *name)

    const ivar_list_t *ivars;
    if ((ivars = cls->data()->ro->ivars)) {
        for (auto& ivar : *ivars) {
            if (!ivar.offset) continue;  // anonymous bitfield

            // ivar.name may be nil for anonymous bitfields etc.
            if (ivar.name  &&  0 == strcmp(name, ivar.name)) {
                return &ivar;

    return nil;


// MARK: - 更新ivar的值
void _object_setIvar(id obj, Ivar ivar, id value, bool assumeStrong)
    if (!obj  ||  !ivar  ||  obj->isTaggedPointer()) return;

    ptrdiff_t offset;
    objc_ivar_memory_management_t memoryManagement;
    _class_lookUpIvar(obj->ISA(), ivar, offset, memoryManagement);

    if (memoryManagement == objc_ivar_memoryUnknown) {
        if (assumeStrong) memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryStrong;
        else memoryManagement = objc_ivar_memoryUnretained;

    id *location = (id *)((char *)obj + offset);

    switch (memoryManagement) {
    case objc_ivar_memoryWeak:       objc_storeWeak(location, value); break;
    case objc_ivar_memoryStrong:     objc_storeStrong(location, value); break;
    case objc_ivar_memoryUnretained: *location = value; break;
    case objc_ivar_memoryUnknown:    _objc_fatal("impossible");


  "Unknown" includes non-object ivars and non-ARC non-__weak ivars
  "Strong" includes ARC __strong ivars
  "Weak" includes ARC and new MRC __weak ivars
  "Unretained" includes ARC __unsafe_unretained and old GC+MRC __weak ivars
typedef enum {
    objc_ivar_memoryUnknown,     // unknown / unknown
    objc_ivar_memoryStrong,      // direct access / objc_storeStrong
    objc_ivar_memoryWeak,        // objc_loadWeak[Retained] / objc_storeWeak
    objc_ivar_memoryUnretained   // direct access / direct access
} objc_ivar_memory_management_t;



// MARK: - 修改一个strong修饰的ivar的值
 * Changes the value of an instance variable of a class instance.
 * @param obj A pointer to an instance of a class. Pass the object containing
 *  the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param name A C string. Pass the name of the instance variable whose value you wish to modify.
 * @param value The new value for the instance variable.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Ivar data structure that defines the type and
 *  name of the instance variable specified by \e name.
 * @note Instance variables with known memory management (such as ARC strong and weak)
 *  use that memory management. Instance variables with unknown memory management
 *  are assigned as if they were strong.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
object_setInstanceVariableWithStrongDefault(id _Nullable obj,
                                            const char * _Nonnull name,
                                            void * _Nullable value)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.12, 10.0, 10.0, 3.0, 2.0)



// MARK: - 获取一个类的实例的成员变量(的值)
 * Obtains the value of an instance variable of a class instance.
 * @param obj A pointer to an instance of a class. Pass the object containing
 *  the instance variable whose value you wish to obtain.
 * @param name A C string. Pass the name of the instance variable whose value you wish to obtain.
 * @param outValue On return, contains a pointer to the value of the instance variable.
 * @return A pointer to the \c Ivar data structure that defines the type and name of
 *  the instance variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
object_getInstanceVariable(id _Nullable obj, const char * _Nonnull name,
                           void * _Nullable * _Nullable outValue)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0)

// 获取实例的成员变量
Ivar object_getInstanceVariable(id obj, const char *name, void **value)
    if (obj  &&  name  &&  !obj->isTaggedPointer()) {
        Ivar ivar;
        if ((ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(obj->ISA(), name))) {
            if (value) *value = (void *)object_getIvar(obj, ivar);
            return ivar;
    if (value) *value = nil;
    return nil;


// MARK: - 获取一个类所有成员变量的size
 * Returns the size of instances of a class.
 * @param cls A class object.
 * @return The size in bytes of instances of the class \e cls, or \c 0 if \e cls is \c Nil.
class_getInstanceSize(Class _Nullable cls)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取一个类所有成员变量的size
size_t class_getInstanceSize(Class cls)
    if (!cls) return 0;
    return cls->alignedInstanceSize();

// Class's ivar size rounded up to a pointer-size boundary.
    uint32_t alignedInstanceSize() {
        return word_align(unalignedInstanceSize());

 // May be unaligned depending on class's ivars.
    uint32_t unalignedInstanceSize() {
        // 返回一个类中所有成员变量的size
        return data()->ro->instanceSize;



// MARK: - 根据成员变量名称获取某个类中的成员变量(objc_getInstanceVariable中调用的就是此函数)
 * Returns the \c Ivar for a specified instance variable of a given class.
 * @param cls The class whose instance variable you wish to obtain.
 * @param name The name of the instance variable definition to obtain.
 * @return A pointer to an \c Ivar data structure containing information about
 *  the instance variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
class_getInstanceVariable(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.0, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// MARK: - 根据名称获取一个类中的成员变量
* class_getInstanceVariable.  Return the named instance variable.
Ivar class_getInstanceVariable(Class cls, const char *name)
    if (!cls  ||  !name) return nil;

    return _class_getVariable(cls, name);


// MARK: - 通过名称获取类成员变量
 * Returns the Ivar for a specified class variable of a given class.
 * @param cls The class definition whose class variable you wish to obtain.
 * @param name The name of the class variable definition to obtain.
 * @return A pointer to an \c Ivar data structure containing information about the class variable specified by \e name.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nullable
class_getClassVariable(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取类中的类成员变量
* class_getClassVariable.  Return the named class variable.
Ivar class_getClassVariable(Class cls, const char *name)
    if (!cls) return nil;

    return class_getInstanceVariable(cls->ISA(), name);


// MARK: - 获取一个类的所有成员变量
 * Describes the instance variables declared by a class.
 * @param cls The class to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array.
 *  If outCount is NULL, the length is not returned.
 * @return An array of pointers of type Ivar describing the instance variables declared by the class.
 *  Any instance variables declared by superclasses are not included. The array contains *outCount
 *  pointers followed by a NULL terminator. You must free the array with free().
 *  If the class declares no instance variables, or cls is Nil, NULL is returned and *outCount is 0.
OBJC_EXPORT Ivar _Nonnull * _Nullable
class_copyIvarList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取一个类的所有成员变量
* class_copyIvarList
* fixme
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
Ivar *
class_copyIvarList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
    const ivar_list_t *ivars;
    Ivar *result = nil;
    unsigned int count = 0;

    if (!cls) {
        if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
        return nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);


    if ((ivars = cls->data()->ro->ivars)  &&  ivars->count) {
        result = (Ivar *)malloc((ivars->count+1) * sizeof(Ivar));

        for (auto& ivar : *ivars) {
            if (!ivar.offset) continue;  // anonymous bitfield
            result[count++] = &ivar;
        result[count] = nil;

    if (outCount) *outCount = count;
    return result;



// MARK: - 给一个类添加成员变量:必须在调用objc_allocateClassPair之后在objc_registerClassPair之前
 * Adds a new instance variable to a class.
 * @return YES if the instance variable was added successfully, otherwise NO
 *         (for example, the class already contains an instance variable with that name).
 * @note This function may only be called after objc_allocateClassPair and before objc_registerClassPair.
 *       Adding an instance variable to an existing class is not supported.
 * @note The class must not be a metaclass. Adding an instance variable to a metaclass is not supported.
 * @note The instance variable's minimum alignment in bytes is 1<<align. The minimum alignment of an instance
 *       variable depends on the ivar's type and the machine architecture.
 *       For variables of any pointer type, pass log2(sizeof(pointer_type)).
class_addIvar(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name, size_t size,
              uint8_t alignment, const char * _Nullable types)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 给一个类添加成员变量
* class_addIvar
* Adds an ivar to a class.
* Locking: acquires runtimeLock
class_addIvar(Class cls, const char *name, size_t size,
              uint8_t alignment, const char *type)
    if (!cls) return NO;

    if (!type) type = "";
    if (name  &&  0 == strcmp(name, "")) name = nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);


    // No class variables
    if (cls->isMetaClass()) {
        return NO;

    // Can only add ivars to in-construction classes.
    if (!(cls->data()->flags & RW_CONSTRUCTING)) {
        return NO;

    // Check for existing ivar with this name, unless it's anonymous.
    // Check for too-big ivar.
    // fixme check for superclass ivar too?
    if ((name  &&  getIvar(cls, name))  ||  size > UINT32_MAX) {
        return NO;

    class_ro_t *ro_w = make_ro_writeable(cls->data());

    // fixme allocate less memory here

    ivar_list_t *oldlist, *newlist;
    if ((oldlist = (ivar_list_t *)cls->data()->ro->ivars)) {
        size_t oldsize = oldlist->byteSize();
        newlist = (ivar_list_t *)calloc(oldsize + oldlist->entsize(), 1);
        memcpy(newlist, oldlist, oldsize);
    } else {
        newlist = (ivar_list_t *)calloc(sizeof(ivar_list_t), 1);
        newlist->entsizeAndFlags = (uint32_t)sizeof(ivar_t);

    uint32_t offset = cls->unalignedInstanceSize();
    uint32_t alignMask = (1<<alignment)-1;
    offset = (offset + alignMask) & ~alignMask;

    ivar_t& ivar = newlist->get(newlist->count++);
#if __x86_64__
    // Deliberately over-allocate the ivar offset variable.
    // Use calloc() to clear all 64 bits. See the note in struct ivar_t.
    ivar.offset = (int32_t *)(int64_t *)calloc(sizeof(int64_t), 1);
    ivar.offset = (int32_t *)malloc(sizeof(int32_t));
    *ivar.offset = offset;
    ivar.name = name ? strdupIfMutable(name) : nil;
    ivar.type = strdupIfMutable(type);
    ivar.alignment_raw = alignment;
    ivar.size = (uint32_t)size;

    ro_w->ivars = newlist;
    cls->setInstanceSize((uint32_t)(offset + size));

    // Ivar layout updated in registerClass.

    return YES;


// MARK: - 获取成员变量名称
/* Working with Instance Variables */

 * Returns the name of an instance variable.
 * @param v The instance variable you want to enquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the instance variable's name.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
ivar_getName(Ivar _Nonnull v)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取成员变量名称
* ivar_getName
* fixme
* Locking: none
const char *
ivar_getName(Ivar ivar)
    if (!ivar) return nil;
    return ivar->name;


// MARK: - 获取成员变量类型
 * Returns the type string of an instance variable.
 * @param v The instance variable you want to enquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the instance variable's type encoding.
 * @note For possible values, see Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide > Type Encodings.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar _Nonnull v)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取成员变量名称
* ivar_getTypeEncoding
* fixme
* Locking: none
const char *
ivar_getTypeEncoding(Ivar ivar)
    if (!ivar) return nil;
    return ivar->type;


/// An opaque type that represents an Objective-C declared property.
typedef struct objc_property *objc_property_t;


// MARK: - 属性声明
struct property_t {
    const char *name;
    const char *attributes;


// MARK: - 根据名称获取一个类的属性
 * Returns a property with a given name of a given class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param name The name of the property you want to inspect.
 * @return A pointer of type \c objc_property_t describing the property, or
 *  \c NULL if the class does not declare a property with that name,
 *  or \c NULL if \e cls is \c Nil.
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nullable
class_getProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 根据名称获取一个类中的属性
* class_getProperty
* fixme
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
objc_property_t class_getProperty(Class cls, const char *name)
    if (!cls  ||  !name) return nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);



    for ( ; cls; cls = cls->superclass) {
        for (auto& prop : cls->data()->properties) {
            if (0 == strcmp(name, prop.name)) {
                return (objc_property_t)&prop;

    return nil;



// MARK: - 获取一个类的属性列表
 * Describes the properties declared by a class.
 * @param cls The class you want to inspect.
 * @param outCount On return, contains the length of the returned array.
 *  If \e outCount is \c NULL, the length is not returned.
 * @return An array of pointers of type \c objc_property_t describing the properties
 *  declared by the class. Any properties declared by superclasses are not included.
 *  The array contains \c *outCount pointers followed by a \c NULL terminator. You must free the array with \c free().
 *  If \e cls declares no properties, or \e cls is \c Nil, returns \c NULL and \c *outCount is \c 0.
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nonnull * _Nullable
class_copyPropertyList(Class _Nullable cls, unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取一个类的属性列表
* class_copyPropertyList. Returns a heap block containing the
* properties declared in the class, or nil if the class
* declares no properties. Caller must free the block.
* Does not copy any superclass's properties.
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
objc_property_t *
class_copyPropertyList(Class cls, unsigned int *outCount)
    if (!cls) {
        if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
        return nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);


    // 先获取rw
    auto rw = cls->data();

    property_t **result = nil;
    unsigned int count = rw->properties.count();
    if (count > 0) {
        result = (property_t **)malloc((count + 1) * sizeof(property_t *));

        count = 0;
        for (auto& prop : rw->properties) {
            result[count++] = &prop;
        result[count] = nil;

    if (outCount) *outCount = count;
    return (objc_property_t *)result;


// MARK: - 给一个类添加属性
 * Adds a property to a class.
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param name The name of the property.
 * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
 * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in \e attributes.
 * @return \c YES if the property was added successfully, otherwise \c NO
 *  (for example, the class already has that property).
class_addProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name,
                  const objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable attributes,
                  unsigned int attributeCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 给一个类添加属性
class_addProperty(Class cls, const char *name,
                  const objc_property_attribute_t *attrs, unsigned int n)
    return _class_addProperty(cls, name, attrs, n, NO);

// 给一个类添加属性
* class_addProperty
* Adds a property to a class.
* Locking: acquires runtimeLock
static bool
_class_addProperty(Class cls, const char *name,
                   const objc_property_attribute_t *attrs, unsigned int count,
                   bool replace)
    if (!cls) return NO;
    if (!name) return NO;

    property_t *prop = class_getProperty(cls, name);
    if (prop  &&  !replace) {
        // already exists, refuse to replace
        return NO;
    else if (prop) {
        // replace existing
        mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
        prop->attributes = copyPropertyAttributeString(attrs, count);
        return YES;
    else {
        mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);


        property_list_t *proplist = (property_list_t *)
        proplist->count = 1;
        proplist->entsizeAndFlags = sizeof(proplist->first);
        proplist->first.name = strdupIfMutable(name);
        proplist->first.attributes = copyPropertyAttributeString(attrs, count);

        cls->data()->properties.attachLists(&proplist, 1);

        return YES;



// MARK: - 更新某个属性值
 * Replace a property of a class.
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param name The name of the property.
 * @param attributes An array of property attributes.
 * @param attributeCount The number of attributes in \e attributes.
class_replaceProperty(Class _Nullable cls, const char * _Nonnull name,
                      const objc_property_attribute_t * _Nullable attributes,
                      unsigned int attributeCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.7, 4.3, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 更新某个属性
class_replaceProperty(Class cls, const char *name,
                      const objc_property_attribute_t *attrs, unsigned int n)
    _class_addProperty(cls, name, attrs, n, YES);


// MARK: - 获取属性名称
/* Working with Properties */

 * Returns the name of a property.
 * @param property The property you want to inquire about.
 * @return A C string containing the property's name.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nonnull
property_getName(objc_property_t _Nonnull property)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取属性名称
const char *property_getName(objc_property_t prop)
    return prop->name;


// MARK: - 获取属性的内存管理语义相关
 * Returns the attribute string of a property.
 * @param property A property.
 * @return A C string containing the property's attributes.
 * @note The format of the attribute string is described in Declared Properties in Objective-C Runtime Programming Guide.
OBJC_EXPORT const char * _Nullable
property_getAttributes(objc_property_t _Nonnull property)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取属性的内存管理语义
const char *property_getAttributes(objc_property_t prop)
    return prop->attributes;



#ifdef __OBJC__
@class Protocol;
typedef struct objc_object Protocol;

@implementation Protocol

#if __OBJC2__
// fixme hack - make Protocol a non-lazy class
+ (void) load { }

- (BOOL) conformsTo: (Protocol *)aProtocolObj
    return protocol_conformsToProtocol(self, aProtocolObj);

- (struct objc_method_description *) descriptionForInstanceMethod:(SEL)aSel
#if !__OBJC2__
    return lookup_protocol_method((struct old_protocol *)self, aSel,
                                  YES/*required*/, YES/*instance*/,
    return method_getDescription(protocol_getMethod((struct protocol_t *)self,
                                                     aSel, YES, YES, YES));

- (struct objc_method_description *) descriptionForClassMethod:(SEL)aSel
#if !__OBJC2__
    return lookup_protocol_method((struct old_protocol *)self, aSel,
                                  YES/*required*/, NO/*instance*/,
    return method_getDescription(protocol_getMethod((struct protocol_t *)self,
                                                    aSel, YES, NO, YES));

- (const char *)name
    return protocol_getName(self);

- (BOOL)isEqual:other
#if __OBJC2__
    // check isKindOf:
    Class cls;
    Class protoClass = objc_getClass("Protocol");
    for (cls = object_getClass(other); cls; cls = cls->superclass) {
        if (cls == protoClass) break;
    if (!cls) return NO;
    // check equality
    return protocol_isEqual(self, other);
    return [other isKindOf:[Protocol class]] && [self conformsTo: other] && [other conformsTo: self];

#if __OBJC2__
- (NSUInteger)hash
    return 23;
- (unsigned)hash
    return 23;



// MARK: - 协议的声明结构
struct protocol_t : objc_object {
    const char *mangledName;
    struct protocol_list_t *protocols; //协议列表
    method_list_t *instanceMethods;//实例方法列表
    method_list_t *classMethods;//类方法列表
    method_list_t *optionalInstanceMethods;//可选的实例方法列表
    method_list_t *optionalClassMethods;//可选的类方法列表
    property_list_t *instanceProperties;//属性列表
    uint32_t size;   // sizeof(protocol_t)
    uint32_t flags;
    // Fields below this point are not always present on disk.
    const char **_extendedMethodTypes;
    const char *_demangledName;
    property_list_t *_classProperties;

    const char *demangledName();

    const char *nameForLogging() {
        return demangledName();

    bool isFixedUp() const;
    void setFixedUp();

#   define HAS_FIELD(f) (size >= offsetof(protocol_t, f) + sizeof(f))

    bool hasExtendedMethodTypesField() const {
        return HAS_FIELD(_extendedMethodTypes);
    bool hasDemangledNameField() const {
        return HAS_FIELD(_demangledName);
    bool hasClassPropertiesField() const {
        return HAS_FIELD(_classProperties);

#   undef HAS_FIELD

    const char **extendedMethodTypes() const {
        return hasExtendedMethodTypesField() ? _extendedMethodTypes : nil;

    property_list_t *classProperties() const {
        return hasClassPropertiesField() ? _classProperties : nil;


// MARK: - 给一个类添加协议
 * Adds a protocol to a class.
 * @param cls The class to modify.
 * @param protocol The protocol to add to \e cls.
 * @return \c YES if the method was added successfully, otherwise \c NO
 *  (for example, the class already conforms to that protocol).
class_addProtocol(Class _Nullable cls, Protocol * _Nonnull protocol)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 给一个类添加协议
* class_addProtocol
* Adds a protocol to a class.
* Locking: acquires runtimeLock
BOOL class_addProtocol(Class cls, Protocol *protocol_gen)
    protocol_t *protocol = newprotocol(protocol_gen);

    if (!cls) return NO;
    if (class_conformsToProtocol(cls, protocol_gen)) return NO;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);


    // fixme optimize
    protocol_list_t *protolist = (protocol_list_t *)
        malloc(sizeof(protocol_list_t) + sizeof(protocol_t *));
    protolist->count = 1;
    protolist->list[0] = (protocol_ref_t)protocol;

    // 添加到protocols里面
    cls->data()->protocols.attachLists(&protolist, 1);

    // fixme metaclass?

    return YES;



// MARK: - 根据名称获取一个协议
/* Working with Protocols */

 * Returns a specified protocol.
 * @param name The name of a protocol.
 * @return The protocol named \e name, or \c NULL if no protocol named \e name could be found.
 * @note This function acquires the runtime lock.
OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * _Nullable
objc_getProtocol(const char * _Nonnull name)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取协议
* objc_getProtocol
* Get a protocol by name, or return nil
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
Protocol *objc_getProtocol(const char *name)
    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
    return getProtocol(name);


// MARK: - 获取运行时所有的协议列表
 * Returns an array of all the protocols known to the runtime.
 * @param outCount Upon return, contains the number of protocols in the returned array.
 * @return A C array of all the protocols known to the runtime. The array contains \c *outCount
 *  pointers followed by a \c NULL terminator. You must free the list with \c free().
 * @note This function acquires the runtime lock.
OBJC_EXPORT Protocol * __unsafe_unretained _Nonnull * _Nullable
objc_copyProtocolList(unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取运行时所有的协议列表
* objc_copyProtocolList
* Returns pointers to all protocols.
* Locking: read-locks runtimeLock
Protocol * __unsafe_unretained *
objc_copyProtocolList(unsigned int *outCount)
    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);

    NXMapTable *protocol_map = protocols();

    unsigned int count = NXCountMapTable(protocol_map);
    if (count == 0) {
        if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
        return nil;

    Protocol **result = (Protocol **)malloc((count+1) * sizeof(Protocol*));

    unsigned int i = 0;
    Protocol *proto;
    const char *name;
    NXMapState state = NXInitMapState(protocol_map);
    while (NXNextMapState(protocol_map, &state,
                          (const void **)&name, (const void **)&proto))
        result[i++] = proto;

    result[i++] = nil;
    assert(i == count+1);

    if (outCount) *outCount = count;
    return result;


// MARK: - 获取某个协议中的某个属性
 * Returns the specified property of a given protocol.
 * @param proto A protocol.
 * @param name The name of a property.
 * @param isRequiredProperty \c YES searches for a required property, \c NO searches for an optional property.
 * @param isInstanceProperty \c YES searches for an instance property, \c NO searches for a class property.
 * @return The property specified by \e name, \e isRequiredProperty, and \e isInstanceProperty for \e proto,
 *  or \c NULL if none of \e proto's properties meets the specification.
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nullable
protocol_getProperty(Protocol * _Nonnull proto,
                     const char * _Nonnull name,
                     BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取协议中的某个属性
objc_property_t protocol_getProperty(Protocol *p, const char *name,
                              BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
    if (!p  ||  !name) return nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);
    return (objc_property_t)
        protocol_getProperty_nolock(newprotocol(p), name,
                                    isRequiredProperty, isInstanceProperty);


// MARK: - 获取协议的属性列表
 * Returns an array of the required instance properties declared by a protocol.
 * @note Identical to
 * \code
 * protocol_copyPropertyList2(proto, outCount, YES, YES);
 * \endcode
OBJC_EXPORT objc_property_t _Nonnull * _Nullable
protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol * _Nonnull proto,
                          unsigned int * _Nullable outCount)
    OBJC_AVAILABLE(10.5, 2.0, 9.0, 1.0, 2.0);

// 获取协议属性列表
objc_property_t *
protocol_copyPropertyList(Protocol *proto, unsigned int *outCount)
    return protocol_copyPropertyList2(proto, outCount,
                                      YES/*required*/, YES/*instance*/);

// 获取协议属性列表
objc_property_t *
protocol_copyPropertyList2(Protocol *proto, unsigned int *outCount,
                           BOOL isRequiredProperty, BOOL isInstanceProperty)
    if (!proto  ||  !isRequiredProperty) {
        // Optional properties are not currently supported.
        if (outCount) *outCount = 0;
        return nil;

    mutex_locker_t lock(runtimeLock);

    property_list_t *plist = isInstanceProperty
        ? newprotocol(proto)->instanceProperties
        : newprotocol(proto)->classProperties();
    return (objc_property_t *)copyPropertyList(plist, outCount);


编译后的源码放在Github, 如果对你有帮助,请给一个star吧!


博客地址: https://waitwalker.github.io/


1. Runtime源码编译

2. objc_object解读

3. Method解读

4. Class解读

5. Ivar objc_property_t Protocol解读

6. Block解读

7. Retain&Release解读

8. Autorelease解读

9. Weak解读

10. msgSend()解读
